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研究院SCI 收录论文题录 (2024.12.01-2024.12.31)
2025-01-15 10:46     (阅读)



  1. Junle jian, Siling Zhang, Ping chen, Dezhu Liu, Yishun Wang, Linsheng Liu, Zhenjun Xiao, Zihong Xu, Yuhang Pan, WenyingLv*, Guoguang Liu*. Innovative spherical Fe-Mn layered double hydroxides (LDH) for the degradation of sulfisoxazole through activated periodate: Efficacy and mechanistic insights[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2024: 125598.IF2022=8.9/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Jian-Junle.pdf

  2. Jiasheng Ni, Simin Huang, Zhishu Liang*, Zhen Chen, Simeng Zhang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An. Concentration, pathogenic composition, and exposure risks of bioaerosol in large indoor public environments: A comparative study of urban and suburban areas. Science of The Total Environment. 2024 Dec 20;957:177790.IF2022=9.8/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Jiasheng-Ni.pdf

  3. Helong Ren, Qiang Chen, Zhaofa Huang, Yuhuan Zhu, Jing She, Yingxin Yu*. Identification and seasonal variation of PM2.5-bound organophosphate flame retardants from industrial parks and the associated human health risk, Environmental Pollution, 2024,125212,IF2022=8.9/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Helong-Ren.pdf


  1. Kaiqin Huang, Meiqing Lin, Jing Yi, Guocheng Liu, Rui Hua, Yangyang Liu, Yanji Qu,Cairong Chen, Shengtao Ma*. Comparison of prenatal and postnatal exposure to neonicotinoids and their temporal trends in breast milk. Science of The Total Environment. 2024 Nov 10;950:175386.IF2022=9.8/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Huang-Kaiqin.pdf

  2. Kaiqin Huang, Jing Yi, Guocheng Liu, Yangyang Liu, Kaixin Jiang, Zhuowen Li, Yanji Qu, Meiqing Lin and Shengtao Ma*. Automatic magnetic solid phase extraction for rapid and high-throughput determination of neonicotinoid insecticides and their metabolites in serum, breast milk and urine samples.[J]. Analytical Methods, 2024. DOI:10.1039/d4ay01244e.IF2022=3.1/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Huang-Kaiqin2.pdf

  3. Yunzhi Xu, Tao Ma, Fengkui Duan, Shuxiao Wang, Jingkun Jiang, Yafang Cheng, Hang Su, Taicheng An, Yongliang Ma, Takashi Kimoto, Tao Huang, Kebin He.Existence of hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS) during spring haze and sandstorm events in Beijing: Implications for a heterogeneous formation pathway on mineral aerosols,Environmental Pollution,Volume 366,2025,125483.IF2022=8.9/papers/1/2024/2024-12/Xu-Yunzhi.pdf


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