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研究院SCI 收录论文题录 (2023.4.01-2023.4.30)
2023-05-04 16:44     (阅读)



  1. Zhiyang Liao, Jinrong Lu, Kunting Xie, Yi Wang, Yong Yuan*. Prediction of Photochemical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter Using Machine Learning. Environmental Science & Technology 2023IF2021=11.357/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Zhiyang-Liao.pdf

  2. Yanpeng Gao, Xinyi Hu, Chuyue Deng, Mei Wang, Xiaolin Niu, Na Luo, Yuemeng Ji*, Guiying Li, Taicheng An. New insight into molecular mechanism of P450-Catalyzed metabolism of emerging contaminants and its consequence for human health: A case study of preservative methylparaben. Environment International 2023, 174, 107890. IF2021=13.352/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Gao-yanpeng.pdf

  3. Yixiong Pang, Diyun Chen*, Lingjun Kong*, Gutha Yuvaraja, Sajid Mehmood. Reply to the comments on "Facilely synthesized cobalt doped hydroxyapatite as hydroxyl promoted peroxymonosulfate activator for degradation of Rhodamine B" by Zuo et al. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 445, 130572. IF2021=14.224/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Yixiong-Pang.pdf

  4. Na Luo, Yanpeng Gao, Mei Wang, Xiaolin Niu, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Bidirectional role of synthetic musk tonalide as photosensitizer and activator on amino acids: Formation of sensitizer imine at aqueous chemistry interface of skin. Eco-Environment & Health 2023, 2 (1), 32-39./papers/1/2023/2023-4/Na-Luo.pdf

  5. Xinlin Shen, Jiangyao Chen, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. A new advance in the pollution profile, transformation process, and contribution to aerosol formation and aging of atmospheric amines. Environmental Science: Atmospheres 2023, 3 (3), 444-473.IF2021=5.755/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Xinlin-Shen.pdf

  6. Yiping Feng, Jingyi Wu, Haijian Lu, Wenhao Lao, Hongda Zhan, Longyong Lin, Guoguang Liu, Yirong Deng*. Cytotoxicity and hemolysis of rare earth ions and nanoscale/bulk oxides (La, Gd, and Yb): Interaction with lipid membranes and protein corona formation. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 879, 163259. IF2021=10.753/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Yiping-Feng.pdf

  7. Mengying Feng, Sijia Chen, Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu, Weiping Zhang, Jiangyao Chen, Hongli Liu*, Taicheng An. Boosting solar-driven volatile organic compounds desorption via the synergy of NH2-UiO-66 with hollow polypyrrole nanotube. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 464. IF2021=4.446/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Mengying-Feng.pdf


  1. Kangwei Li, Yunlong Guo, Sergey A Nizkorodov, Yinon Rudich, Maria Angelaki, Xinke Wang, Taicheng An, Sebastien Perrier, Christian George*. Spontaneous dark formation of OH radicals at the interface of aqueous atmospheric droplets. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023, 120 (15), e2220228120. IF2021=12.779/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Kangwei-Liu-1.pdf

  2. Shaofeng Zhou, Wenwen An, Kexin Zhao, Lizhou Lin, Shan Yang, Yifeng Zhang, Meiying Xu*. Protection of electroactive biofilms against hypersaline shock by quorum sensing. Water Research 2023, 233, 119823. IF2021=13.400/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Shaofeng-Zhou-1.pdf

  3. Xin Cheng, Zihang Cheng, Binghua Jing, Zhimin Ao, Chii Shang*, Li Ling*. Visible light-driven NH(2)Cl activation by g-C(3)N(4) photocatalysis producing reactive nitrogen species to degrade bisphenol A. Water Research 2023, 235, 119889. IF2021=13.400/papers/1/2023/2023-4/Xin-Cheng-1.pdf



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