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研究院SCI 收录论文题录 (2023.1.01-2023.1.31)
2023-02-07 10:15     (阅读)



  1. Simeng Zhang, Zhishu Liang, Xiaolong Wang, Zikai Ye, Guiying Li*, Taicheng An. Bioaerosols in an industrial park and the adjacent houses: Dispersal between indoor/outdoor, the impact of air purifier, and health risk reduction. Environment International 2023, 172, 107778. IF2021=13.352/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Simeng-Zhang.pdf

  2. Xiaojian Liao, Maoyou Ye, Jialin Liang, Jianxiong Jian, Shoupeng Li, Qiaowei Gan, Zihang Liu, Zhihua Mo, Yu Huang, Shuiyu Sun*. Comprehensive insights into the gallic acid assisted bioleaching process for spent LIBs: Relationships among bacterial functional genes, Co(III) reduction and metal dissolution behavior. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 447, 130773. IF2021=14.224/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Xiaojian-Liao.pdf

  3. Kunting Xie, Nangeng Xie, Zhiyang Liao, Xiaoshan Luo, Weijie Peng, Yong Yuan*. Bioaccessibility of arsenic, lead, and cadmium in contaminated mining/smelting soils: Assessment, modeling, and application for soil environment criteria derivation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 443 (Pt B), 130321. IF2021=14.224/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Kunting-Xie.pdf

  4. Ting Zhang, Yifei Chen, Yiwei Cai, Yun Yu, Jianying Liu, Xinlin Shen, Guiying Li*, Taicheng An. Abundance and cultivable bioaerosol transport from a municipal solid waste landfill area and its risks. Environmental Pollution 2023, 320, 121038. IF2021=9.988/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Ting-Zhang.pdf

  5. Shu Zhang, Hailing Li, Rujian He, Weiqiang Deng, Shengtao Ma, Xin Zhang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Spatial distribution, source identification, and human health risk assessment of PAHs and their derivatives in soils nearby the coke plants. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 160588. IF2021=10.753/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Shu-Zhang.pdf

  6. Jiangyao Chen*, Weikun Zhu, Weina Zhao, Peng Wei, Gu Wang, Yuemeng Ji, Taicheng An. Revelation of contributing mechanism of reactive oxygen species in photocatalytic ozonation heterocyclization of gaseous hexane isomers. Chemosphere 2023, 316, 137759. IF2021=8.943/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Jiangyao-Chen.pdf

  7. Jun Xiang, Rongfa Xu, Dongwei Du, Bin Tang*, Miao Yi, Fengshan Cai, Xiao Yan, Jing Zheng, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. The pollution characteristics, source identification and health risks of multiple classes atmospheric SVOCs with complex emission sources of the petrochemical plant and other industries. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 296. IF2021=5.755/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Jun-Xiang.pdf

  8. Qinhao Lin, Zhong Gao, Weikun Zhu, Jiangyao Chen*, Taicheng An. Underestimated contribution of fugitive emission to VOCs in pharmaceutical industry based on pollution characteristics, odorous activity and health risk assessment. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023, 126, 722-733. IF2021=6.796/papers/1/2023/2023-1/Qinhao-Lin.pdf


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