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研究院SCI 收录论文题录(2020.07.01-2020.07.31)
2020-08-03 09:13     (阅读)


  1. Min Chen, Xiaoliang Liao, Shi-Chao Yan, Yanpeng Gao, Chun Yang, Yuanyuan Song, Yi Liu, Weiquan Li, Suk-Ying Tsang, Zhi-Feng Chen, Zenghua Qi and Zongwei Cai. Uptake, Accumulation, and Biomarkers of PM2.5-Associated Organophosphate Flame Retardants in C57BL/6 Mice after Chronic Exposure at Real Environmental Concentrations. Environmental science & technology 2020,  Doi: 10.1021/acs.est.0c02237

  2. Zhishu Liang, Yun Yu, Zikai Ye, Guiying Li, Wanjun Wang and Taicheng An. Pollution profiles of antibiotic resistance genes associated with airborne opportunistic pathogens from typical area, Pearl River Estuary and their exposure risk to human. Environment International 2020, 143:105934. Doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105934

  3. Chunyang Nie, Zhenhua Dai, Wenjie Liu, Xiaoguang Duan, Chengyin Wang, Bo Lai, Zhimin Ao, Shaobin Wang and Taicheng An. Criteria of active sites in nonradical persulfate activation process from integrated experimental and theoretical investigations: boron–nitrogen-co-doped nanocarbon-mediated peroxydisulfate activation as an example. Environmental Science: Nano 2020, 7(7):1899-1911. Doi: 10.1039/d0en00347f

  4. Yingxin Yu, Mengmeng Peng, Yanlin Liu, Jinjing Ma, Ning Wang, Shengtao Ma, Nannan Feng and Shaoyou Lu. Co-exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phthalates and their associations with oxidative stress damage in school children from South China. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 401:123390-123390. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.123390

  5. Ting Zhang, Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu, Yuemeng Ji and Taicheng An. Atmospheric diffusion profiles and health risks of typical VOC: Numerical modelling study. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 275:122982. Doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122982

  6. Dongdong Chen, Shuai Rao, Dongxing Wang, Hongyang Cao, Wuming Xie and Zhiqiang Liu. Synergistic leaching of valuable metals from spent Li-ion batteries using sulfuric acid- L-ascorbic acid system. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 388:124321. Doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124321

  7. Yong Yuan, Lihua Zhou, Rui Hou, Yi Wang and Shungui Zhou. Centimeter-Long Microbial Electron Transport for Bioremediation Applications. Trends in biotechnology 2020,  Doi: 10.1016/j.tibtech.2020.06.011

  8. Guanlan Liu, Junhui Zhou, Weina Zhao, Zhimin Ao and Taicheng An. Single atom catalytic oxidation mechanism of formaldehyde on Al doped graphene at room temperature. Chinese Chemical Letters 2020, 31(7):1966-1969. Doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2019.12.023

  9. Meilin Ning, Junjie Hu, Lirong Lu, Yiwei Cai, Guiying Li and Taicheng An. Toxicity mechanism of tetrabromobisphenol A to human respiratory system cells 16HBE and Beas2B. Chinese Science Bulletin-Chinese 2020, 65(10):931-939. Doi: 10.1360/tb-2019-0764

  10. Kang Dai, Guyue Liu, Wenbin Xu, Zhenzhen Deng, Yutong Wu, Chuwen Zhao and Zijian Zhang. Judicious fabrication of bifunctionalized graphene oxide/MnFe2O4 magnetic nanohybrids for enhanced removal of Pb(II) from water. Journal of colloid and interface science 2020, 579:815-822. Doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2020.06.085




  1. Qinhao Lin, Yuxiang Yang, Yuzhen Fu, Feng Jiang, Guohua Zhang, Long Peng, Xiufeng Lian, Xinhui Bi, Lei Li, Duohong Chen, Jie Ou, Mingjin Tang, Xinming Wang, Ping'an Peng and Guoying Sheng. The reductions of oxalate and its precursors in cloud droplets relative to wet particles. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 235:117632. Doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117632

  2. Tao Dong, Wenming Liu, Mudi Ma, Honggen Peng, Senyou Yang, Jinxiong Tao, Chi He, Liang Wang, Peng Wu and Taicheng An. Hierarchical zeolite enveloping Pd-CeO2 nanowires: An efficient adsorption/catalysis bifunctional catalyst for low temperature propane total degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 393:124717. Doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124717

  3. Jiali Peng, Hongyu Zhou, Wen Liu, Zhimin Ao, Haodong Ji, Yang Liu, Shijun Su, Gang Yao and Bo Lai. Insights into heterogeneous catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate by natural chalcopyrite: pH -dependent radical generation, degradation pathway and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 397:125387. Doi: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.125387


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