报告嘉宾:Hiromi Yamashita 教授
报告主持:温美成 教授
Hiromi Yamashita,日本大阪大学工学研究科教授,为欧洲科学院院士、亚太催化协会主席、日本催化学会主席、中国化学会荣誉会士,担任Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and Energy,Materials Today Sustainable,EcoMat等多个国际著名期刊的主编与编委。Yamashita教授主要从事多孔光催化材料的设计、制备与性能研究,是表面科学与多相催化基础研究领域的代表性杰出科学家,取得了引领性的研究成果。至今在Nat. Commun., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew.Chem.Int.Ed., Adv. Mater.,等国期刊发表论文590余篇,综述65篇,撰写著作45部,专利30项,论文他引36,500余次, 个人H指数97次。
Designs of “active sites", "reaction fields" and “energy injection” are important for catalyst development. Utilizing the nanopore spaces and thin film interfaces of microporous zeolite, mesoporous silica, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), etc., it is possible to control the structure of catalytic active sites in forms of fine particles, clusters, molecules, and atomic moieties, and also possible to control the reaction fields with unique properties such as hydrophobicity and electrostatic fields. Ultrafine semiconductor photocatalysts, single-site photocatalysts, plasmonic catalysts, nano-alloy, high-entropy alloy catalysts, Yolk-shell catalysts, and MOF photocatalysts, can be designed for H2 production, CO2 fixation, H2O2 synthesis, and various reactions.