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2020-01-14 10:49     (阅读)

据ESI(Essential Science Indicators)数据库2020年1月的数据显示,研究院1篇论文入选“ESI热点论文”,6篇入选“ESI高被引论文”。


  • Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li,Yanpeng Gao, Lizhi Zhang, Yong Sik Ok, TaichengAn*. Persistent free radicals in carbon-based materials on transformationof refractory organic contaminants (ROCs) in water: A critical review. WaterRes. 2018, 137: 130-143. (IF2018=7.913)



  1. MeichengWen, Guiying Li, Hongli Liu, Jiangyao Chen, Taicheng An*, Hiromi Yamashita*. Metal-organic frameworks-based nanomaterials for adsorption andphotocatalytic degradation of gaseous pollutants: recent progress andchallenges. Environ. Sci.: Nano 2019,6(4):1006-1025.  (IF2018=7.704)

    第一作者:温美成副教授,通讯作者:安太成教授、Hiromi Yamashita教授;

  2. Yaxin Qin, Guiying Li,Yanpeng Gao, Lizhi Zhang, Yong Sik Ok, TaichengAn*. Persistent free radicals in carbon-based materials on transformationof refractory organic contaminants (ROCs) in water: A critical review. Water Res. 2018, 137: 130-143. (IF2018=7.913)


  3. Wanjun Wang, Taicheng An*, Guiying Li, Dehua Xia,Huijun Zhao, Jimmy C. Yu, Po Keung Wong*. Earth-abundant Ni2P/g-C3N4 lamellarnanohydrids for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and bacterialinactivation under visible light irradiation. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2017,217: 570-580. (IF2018=14.229)

    第一作者:王万军教授,通讯作者:安太成教授、Po Keung Wong教授;

  4. Wanjun Wang, Guiying Li,Dehua Xia, Taicheng An*, HuijunZhao, Po Keung Wong*. Photocatalytic nanomaterials for solar-driven bacterialinactivation: recent progress and challenges. Environ. Sci.: Nano 2017, 4: 782-799.  (IF2018=7.704)

    第一作者:王万军教授,通讯作者:安太成教授、Po Keung Wong教授;

  5. Guiying Li, Xin Nie, Yanpeng Gao, Taicheng An*. Enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalyticinactivation of Escherichia coli using g-C3N4/TiO2 hybrid photocatalystsynthesized using a hydrothermal-calcination approach. Water Res. 2015, 86:17-24. (IF2018=7.913)


  6. Taicheng An*, Hai Yang, Guiying Li, Weihua Song, William J. Cooper, Xiangping Nie. Kinetics andmechanism of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in degradation ofciprofloxacin in water. Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 2010, 94(3-4): 288-294. (IF2018=14.229)



Highly Cited Papers:Selected from the most recent 10 years of data, Highly Cited Papers reflect the top 1% of papers by field and publication year. Highly Cited Papers help identify breakthrough research within a research field and are used within Web of Science to identify and refine the most influential research papers.
Hot Papers:Hot papers are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period. Papers are selected in each of 22 fields of science and must be published within the last two years.
Highly Cited Researchers:We apply the highly cited publications dataset within Essential Science Indicators to identify the world’s most influential researchers. The outputs from these researchers’ represent the top one percent of articles in each of the Essential Science Indicators categories.


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