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2020-12-31 11:23     (阅读)

  1. Yuemeng Ji#, Qiuju Shi, Yixin Li#, Taicheng An*, Jun Zheng, Jianfei Peng, Yanpeng Gao, Jiangyao Chen, Guiying Li, Yuan Wang, Fang Zhang, Annie L. Zhang, Jiayun Zhao, Mario J. Molina*, Renyi Zhang*. Carbenium ion-mediated oligomerization of methylglyoxal for secondary organic aerosol formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020, 117(24): 13294-13299.IF2018 =9.580

  2. Song Guo#, Min Hu#*, Jianfei Peng#, Zhijun Wu, Misti L. Zamora#, Dongjie Shang, Zhuofei Du, Jing Zheng, Xin Fang, Rongzhi Tang, Yusheng Wu, Limin Zeng, Shijin Shuai, Wenbin Zhang, Yuan Wang, Yuemeng Ji, Yixin Li, Annie L. Zhang, Weigang Wang, Fang Zhang, Jiayun Zhao, Xiaoli Gong, Chunyu Wang, Mario J. Molina*, Renyi Zhang*. Remarkable nucleation and growth of ultrafine particles from vehicular exhaust. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(7):3427-3432. IF2018 =9.580

  3. Fang Zhang, Yuan Wang, Jianfei Peng, Lu Chen, Yele Sun, Lian Duan, Xinlei Ge, Yixin Li, Jiayun Zhao, Chao Liu, Xiaochun Zhang, Gen Zhang, Yuepeng Pan, Yuesi Wang, Annie L. Zhang, Yuemeng Ji, Gehui Wang, Min Hu, Mario J. Molina*, Renyi Zhang*. An unexpected catalyst dominates formation and radiative forcing of regional haze. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(8):3960-3966. IF2018 =9.580

  4. Jie Zhong#,Weina Zhang#,Si Wu,Taicheng An*,Joseph S .Francisco*. Molecular Interaction and Orientation of HOCl on Aqueous and Ice Surfaces.Journal of the American Chemical Society2020,142:17329-17333.  (IF2019=14.612)

  5. Kemeng Xiao#, Tianqi Wang#, Mingzhe Sun, Aamir Hanif, Qinfen Gu, Bingbing Tian, Zhifeng Jiang, Bo Wang, Hongli Sun, Jin Shang*,Po Keung Wong*. Photocatalytic Bacterial Inactivation by a Rape Pollen-MoS2 Biohybrid Catalyst: Synergetic Effects and Inactivation Mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54:537-549. IF2018 =7.149

  6. Min Chen, Xiaoliang Liao, Shi-Chao Yan, Yanpeng Gao, Chun Yang, Yuanyuan Song, Yi Liu, Weiquan Li, Suk-Ying Tsang, Zhi-Feng Chen, Zenghua Qi*, Zongwei Cai*. Uptake, Accumulation, and Biomarkers of PM2.5-Associated Organophosphate Flame Retardants in C57BL/6 Mice after Chronic Exposure at Real Environmental Concentrations. Environmental science & technology 2020,  IF2018 =7.149

  7. Jing Liu#, Shengtao Ma#, Meiqing Lin, Jian Tang, Congcong Yue, Zhang Zhang*, Yingxin Yu*,Taicheng An.New Mixed Bromine/Chlorine Transformation Products of Tetrabromobisphenol A: Synthesis and Identification in Dust Samples from an E‑Waste Dismantling Site. Environmental Science & Technology ,2020,54:12235-12244. IF2018 =7.149 /papers/1/2020-12/JingLiu.pdf

  8. Peng Yu*,Qingsheng Zeng, Chao Zhu, Liujiang Zhou, Weina Zhao, Jinchao Tong,Zheng Liu*,Guowei Yang. Ternary Ta2PdS6 Atomic Layers for an Ultrahigh Broadband Photoresponsive Phototransistor.Advanced Materials ,2020, 2005607-2005619. IF2018 =25.806)  /papers/1/2020-12/PengYu.pdf

  9. Meiqing Lin, Shengtao Ma, Yingxin Yu, Guiying Li, Bixian Mai, Taicheng An*. Simultaneous Determination of Multiple Classes of Phenolic Compounds in Human Urine: Insight into Metabolic Biomarkers of Occupational Exposure to E-Waste. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2020, 7(5):323-329. (IF2018=6.934)

  10. Weiping Zhang, Guiying Li, Hongli Liu, Jiangyao Chen, Shengtao Ma, Meicheng Wen, Jiejing Kong, Taicheng An*. Photocatalytic degradation mechanism of gaseous styrene over Au/TiO2@CNTs: Relevance of superficial state with deactivation mechanism. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 272:118969. IF2018 =14.229

  11. Hongliang Yin, Guiying Li, Xiaofang Chen, Wanjun Wang, Po Keung Wong*, Huijun Zhao, Taicheng An*. Accelerated evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance through early emerged stress responses driven by photocatalytic oxidation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 269:118829. IF2018 =14.229

  12. Jiejing Kong, Ziwei Xiang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Introduce oxygen vacancies into CeO2 catalyst for enhanced coke resistance during photothermocatalytic oxidation of typical VOCs. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2020, 269:118755. IF2018 =14.229

  13. Yonglong Li, Wenming Liu, Ran Yan, Jian Liang, Tao Dong, Yangyang Mi, Peng Wu, Zheng Wang, Honggen Peng, Taicheng An. Hierarchical three-dimensionally ordered macroporous Fe-V binary metal oxide catalyst for low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NOx from marine diesel engine exhaust. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2020, 268:118455. IF2018 =14.229

  14. Hongwei Sun, Guihong Xie, Di He*, Lizhi Zhang*. Ascorbic acid promoted magnetite Fenton degradation of alachlor: Mechanistic insights and kinetic modeling. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2020, 267:118383. IF2018 =14.229

  15. Yong Yuan*, Lihua Zhou, Rui Hou, Yi Wang, Shungui Zhou. Centimeter-Long Microbial Electron Transport for Bioremediation Applications. Trends in biotechnology 2020,  (IF2019 =14.343

  16. Guiying Li, Xiaofang Chen, Hongliang Yin, Wanjun Wang, Po Keung Wong, Taicheng An*. Natural sphalerite nanoparticles can accelerate horizontal transfer of plasmid-mediated antibiotic-resistance genes. Environment international 2020, 136:105497-105497. IF2018 =7.943

  17. Meiqing Lin, Jian Tang, Shengtao Ma, Yingxin Yu, Guiying Li, Ruifang Fan, Bixian Mai,Taicheng An*. Insights into biomonitoring of human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with hair analysis: A case study in e-waste recycling area. Environment International 2020, 136:105432-105432. IF2018 =7.943

  18. Zhishu Liang, Yun Yu, Zikai Ye, Guiying Li, Wanjun Wang, Taicheng An*. Pollution profiles of antibiotic resistance genes associated with airborne opportunistic pathogens from typical area, Pearl River Estuary and their exposure risk to human. Environment international 2020, 143:105934. (IF2019=7.577)

  19. Guocheng Huang, Tsz-Wai Ng, Huan Chen, Alex T. Chow*, Shengwei Liu*, Po Keung Wong*. Formation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) during drinking water disinfection: A microbiological prospect of disinfection byproducts. Environment International 2020, 135:105389. IF2018 =7.943

  20. Yanyan Chen, Yuanyuan Song, Yi-Jie Chen, Yanhao Zhang, Ruijin Li, Yujie Wang, Zenghua Qi, Zhi-Feng Chen*,Zongwei Cai. Contamination profiles and potential health risks of organophosphate flame retardants in PM2.5 from Guangzhou and Taiyuan, China. Environment International 2020, 134: 105343. IF2018 =7.943

  21. Xiang Ge, Shengtao Ma, Xiaolan Zhang, Yan Yang, Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu*. Halogenated and organophosphorous flame retardants in surface soils from an e-waste dismantling park and its surrounding area: Distributions, sources, and human health risks. Environment international 2020, 139:105741-105741. IF2018 =7.943

  22. Guoxia Zhang, Qiaoqiao Ren, Shengtao Ma, Jiguo Wu, Xingfen Yang, Yingxin Yu*. Intergenerational transfer of Dechlorane Plus and the associated long-term effects on the structure and function of gut microbiota in offspring. Environment international 2020, 141:105770-105770. IF2018 =7.943

  23. Shaoyou Lu, Dongfeng Yang, Xiang Ge, Le Li, Yang Zhao, Chun Li, Shengtao Ma,Yingxin Yu*.The internal exposure of phthalate metabolites and bisphenols in wasteincineration plant workers and the associated health risks. Environment International .2020,145:106101. IF2018 =7.943

  24. Shaoyou Lu , Dongfeng Yang, Xiang Ge , Le Li, Yang Zhao, Chun Li , Shengtao Ma, Yingxin Yu*.The internal exposure of phthalate metabolites and bisphenols in waste incineration plant workers and the associated health risks. Environment International,2020,145:10610-106109. IF2018 =7.943

  25. . Xiaolan Zhang, Xiaomeng Cheng, Bingli Lei, Guoxia Zhang, Yuhao Bi, Yingxin Yu*. A review of the transplacental transfer of persistent halogenated organic pollutants: Transfer characteristics, influential factors, and mechanisms. Environment Internationa,2021,146:106224-106237.IF2018 =7.943

  26. Yanpeng Gao, Xiaolin Niu, Yaxin Qin, Teng Guo, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Unexpected culprit of increased estrogenic effects: Oligomers in the photodegradation of preservative ethylparaben in water. Water research 2020, 176:115745-115745. IF2018 =7.913

  27. Wanjun Wang, Hanna Wang, Guiying Li, Po Keung Wong, Taicheng An*. Visible light activation of persulfate by magnetic hydrochar for bacterial inactivation: Efficiency, recyclability and mechanisms. Water research 2020, 176:115746-115746. IF2018 =7.913

  28. Guocheng Huang, Zhengtao Xiao, Weiqian Zhen, Yaxin Fan, Cuiping Zeng, Chuanhao Li, Shengwei Liu*, Po Keung Wong*. Hydrogen production from natural organic matter via cascading oxic-anoxic photocatalytic processes: An energy recovering water purification technology. Water Research 2020, 175:115684-115684. IF2018 =7.913

  29. Rui Hou#, Cheng Luo#, Shaofeng Zhou, Yi Wang, Yong Yuan*, Shungui Zhou. Anode potential-dependent protection of electroactive biofilms against metal ion shock via regulating extracellular polymeric substances. Water research 2020, 178:115845-115845.IF2018 =7.913

  30. Yingfei Wang#, Binghua Jing#, Fengliang Wang, Suicao Wang, Xun Liu, Zhimin Ao, Chuanhao Li*. Mechanism Insight into enhanced photodegradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in natural water matrix over crystalline graphitic carbon nitrides. Water research 2020, 180:115925-115925. IF2018 =7.913

  31. Zhechao Hua, Dan Li, Zihao Wu, Ding Wang, Yonglin Cui , Xiongfei Huang , Jingyun Fang, Taicheng An. DBP formation and toxicity alteration during UV/chlorine treatment of wastewater and the effects of ammonia and bromide. Water Research,2021,188:116549-116550.IF2018 =7.913

  32. Hongyu Zhou,Jiali Peng, Jiayi Li, Junjie You, Leiduo Lai,Rui Liu,Zhimin Ao, Gang Yao, Bo Lai*.Metal-free black-red phosphorus as an efficient heterogeneous reductant to boost Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle for peroxymonosulfate activation. Water Research ,2021,188:116529-116541. IF2018 =7.913)/papers/1/2020-12/HongyuZhou.pdf

  33. Ping Jiang, Junlang Qiu, Yanpeng Gao∗, Mihaela I. Stefan , Xing-Fang Li∗. Nontargeted identification and predicted toxicity of new byproducts generated from UV treatment of water containing micropollutant 2-mercaptobenzothiazole.Water Research,2021,188:116542-116552. IF2018 =7.913)/papers/1/2020-12/pingjiang.pdf

  34. Renli Yin, Binghua Jing,Shaoxiong He,Jiayue Hu, Gang Lu,Zhimin Ao*,Chuanyi Wang,Mingshan Zh∗,Near-infrared light to heat conversion in peroxydisulfate activation with MoS2: A new photo-activation process for water treatment. Water Research,2021,190:116720-116730. IF2018 =7.913)/papers/1/2020-12/RenliYin.pdf

  35. Qiuju Shi#, Weina Zhang#, Yuemeng Ji*, Jiaxin Wang, Dandan Qin, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An. Enhanced uptake of glyoxal at the acidic nanoparticle interface: implications for secondary organic aerosol formation. Environmental Science: Nano 2020, 7(4):1126-1135. IF2018 =7.704

  36. Chunyang Nie#, Zhenhua Dai#, Wenjie Liu, Xiaoguang Duan, Chengyin Wang, Bo Lai, Zhimin Ao*, Shaobin Wang, Taicheng An. Criteria of active sites in nonradical persulfate activation process from integrated experimental and theoretical investigations: boron–nitrogen-co-doped nanocarbon-mediated peroxydisulfate activation as an example. Environmental Science: Nano 2020, 7(7):1899-1911. (IF2018 =7.704

  37. Wanjun Wang, Wenquan Gu, Guiying Li, Haojing Xie,Po Keung Wong, Taicheng An*.Few-layered tungsten selenide as a co-catalyst for visible-light-driven photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide for bacterial inactivation. Environmental Science Nano.2020. IF2018 =7.704)

  38. Jiaquan Li, Mengting Li, Hongqi Sun, Zhimin Ao*, Shaobin Wang*, Shaomin Liu*. Understanding of the Oxidation Behavior of Benzyl Alcohol by Peroxymonosulfate via Carbon Nanotubes Activation. Acs Catalysis 2020, 10(6):3516-3525. IF2018 =12.221

  39. Teng Wang#, Chunyang Nie#, Zhimin Ao*, Shaobin Wang, Taicheng An. Recent progress in g-C3N4 quantum dots: synthesis, properties and applications in photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8(2):485-502.(IF2018=10.733)

  40. Mengting Li, Bing Sun, Zhimin Ao*, Taicheng An, Guoxiu Wang*. Atomic-scale identification of influencing factors of sodium dendrite growth on different current collectors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8(20):10199-10205. (IF2018=10.733)

  41. Quanguo Jiang, Jianfeng Zhang*, Huajie Huang, Yuping Wu,Zhimin Ao*. A novel single-atom catalyst for CO oxidation in humid environmental conditions: Ni-embedded divacancy graphene. Journal Of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8(1):287-295. (IF2018=10.733)

  42. Jialin Liang, Siwei Zhang, Maoyou Ye, Jinjia Huang, Xian Yang, Shoupeng Li, Shaosong Huang*,Shuiyu Sun*. Improving sewage sludge dewaterability with rapid and cost-effective in-situ generation of Fe(2+)combined with oxidants. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 380:122499. IF2018 =8.355

  43. Cheng Tian, Hui Zhao, Hongli Sun, Kemeng Xiao,Po Keung Wong*. Enhanced adsorption and photocatalytic activities of ultrathin graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets: Kinetics and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 381:122760. IF2018 =8.355

  44. Shuaijun Wang, Hongfei Zhao, Xiaoli Zhao, Jinqiang Zhang, Zhimin Ao, Pei Dong, Fengting He, Hong Wu, Xinyuan Xu, Lei Shi, Chaocheng Zhao*, Shaobin Wang,Hongqi Sun*. Surface engineering of hollow carbon nitride microspheres for efficient photoredox catalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 381:122593.IF2018 =8.355

  45. Ruixia Yuan, Minglang Jiang, Simeng Gao, Zhaohui Wang*, Huaiyuan Wang*, Grzegorz Boczkaj, Zhanjian Liu, Jun Ma,Zhijun Li. 3D mesoporous alpha-Co(OH)(2) nanosheets electrodeposited on nickel foam: A new generation of macroscopic cobalt-based hybrid for peroxymonosulfate activation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 380:122447. IF2018 =8.355

  46. Jiangen Wang, Honghong Yi, Xiaolong Tang*, Shunzheng Zhao,Fengyu Gao. Simultaneous removal of SO2 and NOx by catalytic adsorption using gamma-Al2O3 under the irradiation of non-thermal plasma: Competitiveness, kinetic, and equilibrium. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 384:123334. IF2018 =8.355

  47. Hui Zhao, Cheng Tian, Jian Mei, Shijian Yang, Po Keung Wong*. Synergistic effect and mechanism of catalytic degradation toward antibiotic contaminants by amorphous goethite nanoparticles decorated graphitic carbon nitride. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 390:124551. IF2018 =8.355

  48. Leiduo Lai, Hongyu Zhou, Heng Zhang, Zhimin Ao, Zhicheng Pan, Qixuan Chen, Zhaokun Xiong*, Gang Yao, Bo Lai*. Activation of peroxydisulfate by natural titanomagnetite for atrazine removal via free radicals and high-valent iron-oxo species. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 387:124165. IF2018 =8.355

  49. Tao Dong#, Wenming Liu#, Mudi Ma#, Honggen Peng*, Senyou Yang, Jinxiong Tao, Chi He, Liang Wang, Peng Wu, Taicheng An. Hierarchical zeolite enveloping Pd-CeO2 nanowires: An efficient adsorption/catalysis bifunctional catalyst for low temperature propane total degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 393:124717. (IF2018 =8.355

  50. Dongdong Chen, Shuai Rao, Dongxing Wang, Hongyang Cao, Wuming Xie*, Zhiqiang Liu. Synergistic leaching of valuable metals from spent Li-ion batteries using sulfuric acid- L-ascorbic acid system. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 388:124321. (IF2018 =8.355

  51. Jiali Peng, Hongyu Zhou, Wen Liu, Zhimin Ao, Haodong Ji, Yang Liu*, Shijun Su, Gang Yao, Bo Lai*. Insights into heterogeneous catalytic activation of peroxymonosulfate by natural chalcopyrite: pH -dependent radical generation, degradation pathway and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 397:125387. (IF2018 =8.355

  52. Jian Tang, Shengtao Ma, Ranran Liu, Congcong Yue, Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu, Yan Yang, Taicheng An*. The pollution profiles and human exposure risks of chlorinated and brominated PAHs in indoor dusts from e-waste dismantling workshops: Comparison of GC–MS, GC–MS/MS and GC × GC–MS/MS determination methods. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 394:122573. IF2018 =7.650

  53. Jian Lu, Tenghao Wang, Yi Zhou, Changzheng Cui, Zhimin Ao,Yanbo Zhou. Dramatic enhancement effects of l-cysteine on the degradation of sulfadiazine in Fe3+/CaO2 system. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2019, 383:121133-121133. IF2018 =7.650

  54. Hong Meng#, Chunyang Nie#, Wenlang Li, Xiaoguang Duan, Bo Lai, Zhimin Ao*, Shaobin Wang, Taicheng An. Insight into the effect of lignocellulosic biomass source on the performance of biochar as persulfate activator for aqueous organic pollutants remediation: Epicarp and mesocarp of citrus peels as examples. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 399:123043-123043. IF2018 =7.650

  55. Ming Wu#, Xin He#, Binghua Jing, Teng Wang, Chengyin Wang, Yanlin Qin, Zhimin Ao*, Shaobin Wang,Taicheng An. Novel carbon and defects co-modified g-C3N4 for highly efficient photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A under visible light. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384:121323-121323. IF2018 =7.650

  56. Ruobai Li, Jiashu Huang, Meixuan Cai, Jiaxing Huang, Zhijie Xie, Qianxin Zhang, Yang Liu, Haijin Liu, Wenying Lv*,Guoguang Liu*. Activation of peroxymonosulfate by Fe doped g-C3N4 /graphene under visible light irradiation for Trimethoprim degradation. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384:121435-121435. IF2018 =7.650

  57. Yixiong Pang, Lingjun Kong*, Diyun Chen*, Gutha Yuvaraja,Sajid Mehmood. Facilely synthesized cobalt doped hydroxyapatite as hydroxyl promoted peroxymonosulfate activator for degradation of Rhodamine B. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384:121447-121447. IF2018 =7.650

  58. Jie Guo, Xiaomei Luo, Shufei Tan, Oladele A. Ogunseitan,Zhenming Xu. Thermal degradation and pollutant emission from waste printed circuit boards mounted with electronic components. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2020, 382:121038-121038. IF2018 =7.650

  59. Xixi Cai, Yong Yuan*, Linpeng Yu, Beiping Zhang, Jibing Li, Ting Liu, Zhen Yu, Shungui Zhou. Biochar enhances bioelectrochemical remediation of pentachlorophenol-contaminated soils via long-distance electron transfer. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 391:122213-122213. IF2018 =7.650

  60. Jialin Liang, Jinjia Huang, Liang Zhang, Faqian Sun, Maoyou Ye, Xiaojian Liao, Shaosong Huang*, Shuiyu Sun*. High-level waste activated sludge dewaterability using Fenton-like process based on pretreated zero valent scrap iron as an in-situ cycle iron donator. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 391:122219-122219. IF2018 =7.650

  61. Wen-Wen Wei#, Yuanhong Zhong#, Ting Zou, Xiao-Fan Chen, Li Ren, Zenghua Qi, Guoguang Liu, Zhi-Feng Chen*,Zongwei Cai*. Fe3O4-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry for typical metabolite analysis and localization: Influencing factors, mechanisms, and environmental applications. Journal Of Hazardous Materials 2020:121817-121817. IF2018 =7.650

  62. Ran Yan#, Sixue Lin#, Yonglong Li, Wenming Liu, Yangyang Mi, Changjin Tang, Liang Wang, Peng Wu, Honggen Peng*. Novel shielding and synergy effects of Mn-Ce oxides confined in mesoporous zeolite for low temperature selective catalytic reduction of NOx with enhanced SO2/H2O tolerance. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 396:122592-122592. IF2018 =7.650

  63. Yiping Feng*, Mengyao Shen, Zhijie Xie, Ping Chen, Lin-Zi Zuo, Kun Yao, Wenying Lv, Guoguang Liu. Photochemical transformation of C3N4 under UV irradiation: Implications for environmental fate and photocatalytic activity. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 394:122557-122557. IF2018 =7.650

  64. Zhishu Liang, Yuna Zhang, Tao He, Yun Yu, Wen Liao, Guiying Li*, Taicheng An. The formation mechanism of antibiotic-resistance genes associated with bacterial communities during biological decomposition of household garbage. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 398:122973-122973. IF2018 =7.650

  65. Xiaojun Lai, Xun-An Ning*, Jiayi Chen, Yang Li, Yaping Zhang, Yiqian Yuan. Comparison of the Fe2+/H2O2 and Fe2+/PMS systems in simulated sludge: Removal of PAHs, migration of elements and formation of chlorination by-products. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 398:122826-122826. IF2018 =7.650

  66. Yingxin Yu, Mengmeng Peng, Yanlin Liu, Jinjing Ma, Ning Wang, Shengtao Ma, Nannan Feng, Shaoyou Lu*. Co-exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and phthalates and their associations with oxidative stress damage in school children from South China. Journal of hazardous materials 2020, 401:123390-123390. IF2018 =7.650

  67. Ziyi Ding, Huashan Chen, Jingyong Liu*, Haiming Cai, Fatih Evrendilek, Musa Buyukada.Pyrolysis dynamics of two medical plastic wastes: Drivers, behaviors, evolved gases, reaction mechanisms, and pathways. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,402:123472-123485. (IF2018=7.650)

  68. Mei Wang, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Increased adverse effects during metabolic transformation of short-chain chlorinated paraffins by cytochrome P450: A theoretical insight into 1-chlorodecane. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020,124391-124398.(IF2018=7.650)

  69. Xin He, Ming Wu, Zhimin Ao*, Bo Lai, Yanbo Zhou, Taicheng An, Shaobin Wang*.Metal-organic frameworks derived C/TiO2 for visible light photocatalysis: Simple synthesis and contribution of carbon species. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2021,403:124048-124057. (IF2018=7.650) /papers/1/2020-12/xinhe.pdf

  70. Zhenhua Dai, Didi Li, Zhimin Ao* , Shaobin Wang, Taicheng An. Theoretical exploration of VOCs removal mechanism by carbon nanotubes through persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes: Adsorption and catalytic oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials ,2021,405:124684-124696. (IF2018=7.650) /papers/1/2020-12/ZhenhuaDai.pdf

  71. Shengtao Ma, Yingxin Yu, Yan Yang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. A new advance in the potential exposure to "old" and "new" halogenated flame retardants in the atmospheric environments and biota: From occurrence to transformation products and metabolites. Critical Reviews In Environmental Science And Technology 2020, 50(19):1935-1983. IF2019 =8.302

  72. Kang Dai, Guyue Liu, Wenbin Xu, Zhenzhen Deng, Yutong Wu, Chuwen Zhao, Zijian Zhang. Judicious fabrication of bifunctionalized graphene oxide/MnFe2O4 magnetic nanohybrids for enhanced removal of Pb(II) from water. Journal of colloid and interface science 2020, 579:815-822. IF2019 =7.489

  73. Xin Ding#, Hongli Liu#, Jiangyao Chen, Meicheng Wen, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*, Huijun Zhao*. In situ growth of well-aligned Ni-MOF nanosheets on nickel foam for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of typical volatile organic compounds. Nanoscale 2020, 12(17):9462–9470. IF2018 =6.970

  74. Jinwen Hu,Yueyao Song,Jingyong Liu*, Fatih Evrendilek, Musa Buyukada .Youping Yan Synergistic effects, gaseous products, and evolutions of NO x precursors during (co-)pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and bamboo residues. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021,401:123331.(IF2019=6.716)

  75. Yao He, Si Chen, Junjie Chen, Dongxia Liu, Xunan Ning, Jingyong Liu,Tiejun Wang*. Consequence of replacing nitrogen with carbon dioxide as atmosphere on suppressing the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in catalytic pyrolysis of sawdust. Bioresource Technology 2020:122417-122417. IF2018 =6.669

  76. Zhishu Liang, Jijun Wang, Yuna Zhang, Cheng Han, Shengtao Ma, Jiangyao Chen, Guiying Li*, Taicheng An. Removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from a textile dyeing wastewater treatment plant and the attenuation of respiratory health risks using a pilot-scale biofilter. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 253:120019. IF2018 =6.395

  77. Qi Zhou*, Weiya Niu, Yang Li, Xujian Li. Photoinduced Fenton-simulated reduction system based on iron cycle and carbon dioxide radicals production for rapid removal of Cr(VI) from wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 258:120790. IF2018 =6.395

  78. Ting Zhang, Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu, Yuemeng Ji, Taicheng An*. Atmospheric diffusion profiles and health risks of typical VOC: Numerical modelling study. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 275:122982. (IF2018 =6.395

  79. Hongyi Huang , Jingyong Liu * , Hui Liu, Jinwen Hu, Fatih Evrendilek. Dynamic insights into combustion drivers and responses of water hyacinth: Evolved gas and ash analyses. Journal of Cleaner Production ,2020,276:124156-124170. IF2018 =6.395 /papers/1/2020-12/HongyiHuang.pdf

  80. Xun Liu#, Binghua Jing#, Ganquan Lun, Yingfei Wang, Xiaodan Wang, Chihhsiang Fang, Zhimin Ao, Chuanhao Li*. Integrating nitrogen vacancies into crystalline graphitic carbon nitride for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production. Chemical communications  2020, 56:3179-3182. IF2018 =6.164

  81. Danping Li, Xun-An Ning*, Chenghai Yang, Xiaohui Chen, Yi Wang. Rich heteroatom doping magnetic carbon electrode for flow-capacitive deionization with enhanced salt removal ability. Desalination 2020, 482:114374. IF2018 =6.035

  82. Yang Li, Didi Li, Shisuo Fan, Ting Yang, Qi Zhou*. Facile template synthesis of dumbbell-like Mn2O3 with oxygen vacancies for efficient degradation of organic pollutants by activating peroxymonosulfate. Catalysis Science & Technology 2020, 10(3):864-875. IF2018 =5.726

  83. Helong Ren, Yingxin Yu, Taicheng An. Bioaccessibilities of metal(loid)s and organic contaminants in particulates measured in simulated human lung fluids: A critical review. Environmental Pollution 2020, 265:115070. IF2018 =5.714

  84. Rui Hou, Yiping Xu*, Kaifeng Rao, Chenglian Feng, Zijian Wang. Tissue-specific bioaccumulation, metabolism and excretion of tris (2-ethylhexyl) phosphate (TEHP) in rare minnow (Gobiocyprisrarus). Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 2020, 261:114245-114245. IF2018 =5.714

  85. Mengmeng Peng, Shaoyou Lu*, Yingxin Yu, Shan Liu, Yang Zhao, Chun Li, Shengtao Ma. Urinary monohydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in primiparas from Shenzhen, South China: Levels, risk factors, and oxidative stress. Environmental Pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 2020, 259:113854-113854. IF2018 =5.714

  86. Xiaolan Zhang, Xiaomeng Cheng, Yuling Yu, Bingli Lei, Yingxin Yu*. Insight into the transplacental transport mechanism of methoxylated polybrominated diphenyl ethers using a BeWo cell monolayer model. Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987) 2020, 265(Pt A):114836-114836. IF2018 =5.714

  87. Xiaojing Li, Yi Zhong , Weiyun He, Senyuan Huang, Qin Li , Chongshan Guo, Shengtao Ma , Guiying Li, Yingxin Yu*.Co-exposure and health risks of parabens, bisphenols, triclosan, phthalate metabolites and hydroxyl polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons based on simultaneous detection in urine samples from guangzhou, south China. Environmental Pollution,2020,115990-1159100.IF2018 =5.714

  88. Shengtao Ma, Congcong Yue, Jian Tang , Meiqing Lin, Meihui Zhuo, Yan Yang, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*.Occurrence and distribution of typical semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) in paired indoor and outdoor atmospheric fine particle samples from cities in southern China. Environmental Pollution ,2021,269:116123-116132. IF2018 =5.714 /papers/1/2020-12/ShengtaoMa.pdf

  89. Cheng Luo, Rui Hou*, Guanhua Chen, Chuangchuang Liu, Lihua Zhou, Yong Yuan. UVC-assisted electrochemical degradation of novel bisphenol analogues with boron-doped diamond electrodes: kinetics, pathways and eco-toxicity removal. Science of the total environment 2020, 711:134539-134539. IF2018 =5.589

  90. Yuzhen Qi, Yanpeng Li*, Wenwen Xie, Rui Lu, Feifei Mu, Wenyan Bai, Shengli Du. Temporal-spatial variations of fungal composition in PM2.5 and source tracking of airborne fungi in mountainous and urban regions. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 708:135027. IF2018 =5.589

  91. Yuemeng Ji, Dandan Qin, Jun Zheng, Qiuju Shi, Jiaxin Wang, Qinhao Lin, Jiangyao Chen, Yanpeng Gao, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Mechanism of the atmospheric chemical transformation of acetylacetone and its implications in night-time second organic aerosol formation. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 720:137610-137610. IF2018 =5.589

  92. Dan Tong, Jiangyao Chen, Dandan Qin, Yuemeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Mechanism of atmospheric organic amines reacted with ozone and implications for the formation of secondary organic aerosols. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 737:139830-139830. IF2018 =5.589

  93. Jian Sun*, Ping Yang, Shengzheng Huang, Nan Li, Yaping Zhang, Yong Yuan, Xingwen Lu. Enhanced removal of veterinary antibiotic from wastewater by photoelectroactive biofilm of purple anoxygenic phototroph through photosynthetic electron uptake. Science of the total environment 2020, 713:136605-136605.IF2018 =5.589

  94. Yuna Zhang, Zhishu Liang, Changcheng Tang, Wen Liao, Yun Yu, Guiying Li*, Yan Yang, Taicheng An. Malodorous gases production from food wastes decomposition by indigenous microorganisms. Science of the total environment 2020, 717:137175-137175. IF2018 =5.589

  95. Shaofeng Zhou, Beiping Zhang, Zhiyang Liao, Lihua Zhou, Yong Yuan*. Autochthonous N-doped carbon nanotube/activated carbon composites derived from industrial paper sludge for chromate (VI) reduction in microbial fuel cells. Science of the total environment 2020, 712:136513-136513. IF2018 =5.589

  96. Yujie Wang, Quan Wan, Beibei Liu, Zikai Wei, Miaoyue Zhang*, Yetao Tang. Co-transport and competitive retention of different ionic rare earth elements (REEs) in quartz sand: Effect of kaolinite. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 722:137779-137779. IF2018 =5.589

  97. Zhijie Guan, Yanping Guo, Shoupeng Li, Shaoqing Feng, Yanghong Deng, Xuelian Ou, Jie Ren, Shuiyu Sun*, Jialin Liang. Decomplexation of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation assisted with heavy metal chelation for advanced treatment of coordination complexes of Ni. Science of the total environment 2020, 732:139223-139223. IF2018 =5.589

  98. Rui Lu, Kira Tendal, Margit W. Frederiksen, Katrine Uhrbrand, Yanpeng Li, Anne Mette Madsen*. Strong variance in the inflammatory and cytotoxic potentials of Penicillium and Aspergillus species from cleaning workers' exposure in nursing homes. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 724:138231. IF2018 =5.589

  99. Ping Xiang, Kun Wang, Jue Bi, Mengying Li, Rui-Wen He, Daolei Cui, Lena Q. Ma*. Organic extract of indoor dust induces estrogen-like effects in human breast cancer cells. Science of the total environment 2020, 726:138505-138505. (IF2018 =5.589

  100. Xiaoliang Liao, Ting Zou, Min Chen,Yuanyuan Song ,Chun Yang, Bojun Qiu, Zhi-Feng Chen, Suk Ying Tsang, Zenghua Qi, Zongwei Cai. Contamination profiles and health impact of benzothiazole and its derivatives in PM 2.5 in typical Chinese cities. Science of the Total Environment.2021,755:142617.IF2018 =5.589

  101. Zhenzong Bao, Zhifeng Chen, Yuanhong Zhong, Guangzhao Wang, Zenghua Qi, Zongwei Cai⁎.Adsorption of phenanthrene and its monohydroxy derivatives on polyvinyl chloride microplastics in aqueous solution: Model fitting and mechanism analysis. Science of the Total Environment.2020,142889-142898.IF2018 =5.589

  102. Meijuan Lu, Guiying Li, Yan Yang, Yingxin Yu*.A review on in-vitro oral bioaccessibility of organic pollutants and its application in human exposure assessment. Science of the Total Environment ,2021,752:142001-142022.IF2018 =5.589

  103.  Rui Hou, Yi Wang, Shaofeng Zhou, Lihua Zhou, Yong Yuan, Yiping Xu Aerobic degradation of nonhalogenated organophosphate flame esters (OPEs) by enriched cultures from sludge: Kinetics, pathways, bacterial community evolution, and toxicity evaluation. Science of the Total Environment,2020,143385-143395. IF2018 =5.589

  104. Jinjing Ma,Xiangnan Li,Shengtao Ma, Xiaolan Zhang, Guiying Li,Yingxin Yu* Temporal trends of old" and new" persistent halogenated organicpollutants in fish from the third largest freshwater lake in Chinaduring 2011- -2018 and the associated health risks.Environmental Pollution . 2020,267:115497.IF2018 =5.714

  105. Yingxin Yu, Xiaojing Li, Junjie Hu, Zian Jiang, Xiaolan Zhang, Guiying Li, Shengtao Ma, Bingli Lei, Xiangming Fang, Ruifang Fan, Taicheng An*.Mechanisms of transplacental transport and barrier of polybrominated diphenyl ethers: A comprehensive human, Sprague-Dawley rat, BeWo cell and molecular docking study. Environmental Pollution,2020,116091-1160101.IF2018 =5.714

  106. Jian Sun, Ping Yang, Nan Li, Mengmeng Zhao, Xubin Zhang, Yaping Zhang, Yong Yuan*, Xingwen Lu, Xun Lu*. Extraction of photosynthetic electron from mixed photosynthetic consortium of bacteria and algae towards sustainable bioelectrical energy harvesting. Electrochimica Acta 2020, 336:135710. IF2018 =5.383

  107. Shaoting Wen, Musa Buyukada, Fatih Evrendilek, Jingyong Liu*. Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses of co-combustion/pyrolysis of textile dyeing sludge and incense sticks: Regression and machine-learning models. Renewable Energy 2020, 151:463-474. IF2018 =5.439

  108. Chao Liu, Jingyong Liu*, Fatih Evrendilek, Wuming Xie, Jiahong Kuo, Musa Buyukada. Bioenergy and emission characterizations of catalytic combustion and pyrolysis of litchi peels via TG-FTIR-MS and Py-GC/MS. Renewable Energy 2020, 148:1074-1093. IF2018 =5.439

  109. Fu Yang, Hongyun Hu*, Qiang Gao, Yuhan Yang, Hua Tang, Kang Xie, Huan Liu, Yao He, Hong Yao. Study on the influence of small molecular gases on toluene reforming in molten salt. Renewable Energy 2020, 153:832-839. (IF2018 =5.439

  110. Ying Xu*, Shu-Xian Jiang, Wen-Jin Yin, Wei Sheng, Ling-Xi Wu, Guo-Zheng Nie,Zhimin Ao. Adsorption behaviors of HCN, SO2, H2S and NO molecules on graphitic carbon nitride with Mo atom decoration. Applied Surface Science 2020, 501:144199. IF2018 =5.155

  111. Jukun Xiong, Guiying Li, Ping’an Peng, Faina Gelman, Zeev Ronen, Taicheng An*. Mechanism investigation and stable isotope change during photochemical degradation of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in water under LED white light irradiation. Chemosphere 2020, 258:127378. IF2018 =5.108

  112. Jialin Liang#, Siwei Zhang#, Jinjia Huang, Maoyou Ye, Xian Yang, Shaosong Huang*, Shuiyu Sun*. Mechanism of zero valent iron and anaerobic mesophilic digestion combined with hydrogen peroxide pretreatment to enhance sludge dewaterability: Relationship between soluble EPS and rheological behavior. Chemosphere 2020, 247:125859-125859. (IF2018 =5.108

  113. Jian Lu, Yi Zhou, Juying Lei, Zhimin Ao, Yanbo Zhou*. Fe3O4/graphene aerogels: A stable and efficient persulfate activator for the rapid degradation of malachite green. Chemosphere 2020, 251:126402-126402.(IF2018 =5.108

  114. Yan Yang*, Mengying Sun, Jin Zhou, Jianfeng Ma, Sridhar Komarneni*. Degradation of orange II by Fe@Fe2O3 core shell nanomaterials assisted by NaHSO3. Chemosphere 2020, 244:125588-125588.  (IF2018 =5.108

  115. Ranjit Das, Zhishu Liang, Guiying Li*, Taicheng An. A non-blue laccase of Bacillus sp. GZB displays manganese-oxidase activity: A study of laccase characterization, Mn(II) oxidation and prediction of Mn(II) oxidation mechanism. Chemosphere 2020, 252:126619.  IF2018 =5.108

  116. Jialin Liang, Haiqi Gu, Siwei Zhang, Jinjia Huang, Maoyou Ye, Xian Yang, Shoupeng Li, Shaosong Huang*, Shuiyu Sun*. Novel insight into sludge dewaterability mechanism using polymeric aluminium ferric chloride and anaerobic mesophilic digestion treatment under ultrahigh pressure condition. Separation And Purification Technology 2020, 234  (IF2018 =5.107

  117. Jiangyao Chen, Jiajing Yi, Yuemeng Ji, Baocong Zhao, Yongpeng Ji, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Enhanced H-abstraction contribution for oxidation of xylenes via mineral particles: Implications for particulate matter formation and human health. Environmental Research 2020, 186:109568. (IF2018 =5.026

  118. Yang-Guang Gu*, Chang-Liang Ke, Yan-Peng Gao, Qi Liu, Ya-Fang Li. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and adverse effects on aquatic biota of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments: A case study of a typical aquaculture wetland, China. Environmental research 2020, 182:109119-109119. (IF2018 =5.026

  119. Hao Luo, Guiying Li, Jiangyao Chen, Qinhao Lin, Shengtao Ma, Yujie Wang, Taicheng An*. Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and ozone formation potentials of volatile organic compounds from three typical functional areas in China. Environmental research 2020, 183:109141-109141. (IF2018 =5.026

  120. Jiaping Wang, Guiying Li, Hongliang Yin, Taicheng An*. Bacterial response mechanism during biofilm growth on different metal material substrates: EPS characteristics, oxidative stress and molecular regulatory network analysis. Environmental research 2020, 185:109451-109451. IF2018 =5.026

  121. Guocheng Huang, Xueyan Liu, Shuangru Shi, Sitan Li, Zhengtao Xiao, Weiqian Zhen, Shengwei Liu*,Po Keung Wong*. Hydrogen producing water treatment through mesoporous TiO2 nanofibers with oriented nanocrystals. Chinese Journal Of Catalysis 2020, 41(1):50-61.(IF2018 =4.914)

  122. Quan Xie, Wanmei He, Shengwei Liu, Chuanhao Li, Jinfeng Zhang,Po Keung Wong. Bifunctional S-scheme g-C3N4/Bi/BiVO4 hybrid photocatalysts toward artificial carbon cycling. Chinese Journal Of Catalysis 2020, 41(1):140-153. (IF2018 =4.914)

  123. Shi-Chao Yan, Zhi-Feng Chen, Hui Zhang, Yanyan Chen, Zenghua Qi, Guoguang Liu,Zongwei Cai. Evaluation and optimization of sample pretreatment for GC/MS-based metabolomics in embryonic zebrafish. Talanta 2020, 207:120260-120260. (IF2018 =4.916

  124. Guanlan Liu, Junhui Zhou, Weina Zhao, Zhimin Ao*, Taicheng An. Single atom catalytic oxidation mechanism of formaldehyde on Aldoped graphene at room temperature.Chinese Chemical Letters ,2020,31(7):1966-1969.IF2019 =4.632 /papers/1/2020-12/GuanlanLiu.pdf

  125. Jianwen Ye#, Dieudonne Nyobe#, Bing Tang*, Liying Bin, Ping Li, Shaosong Huang, Fenglian Fu, Yuhao Cai, Guoqing Guan, Xiaogang Hao. Facilely synthesized recyclable mesoporous magnetic silica composite for highly efficient and fast adsorption of Methylene Blue from wastewater: Thermodynamic mechanism and kinetics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 303:112656. (IF2018 =4.561

  126. Yi Yang, Hao Luo, Ranran Liu, Guiying Li*, Yingxin Yu*, Taicheng An. The exposure risk of typical VOCs to the human beings via inhalation based on the respiratory deposition rates by proton transfer reaction-time of flight-mass spectrometer. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2020, 197:110615-110615. IF2018 =4.527

  127. Jianbiao Peng, Chaonan Zhang, Yaozong Zhang, Shuai Shao, Pingping Wang, Guoguang Liu*, Hang Dong, Dexin Liu, Jialu Shi, Zhiguo Cao, Haijin Liu, Shixiang Gao. Efficient removal of triclosan via peroxymonosulfate activated by a ppb level dosage of Co(II) in water: Reaction kinetics, mechanisms and detoxification. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2020, 198:110676.  (IF2018 =4.527

  128. Yiqian Yuan, Xun-An Ning*, Yaping Zhang, Xiaojun Lai, Danping Li, Zili He, Xiaohui Chen. Chlorobenzene levels, component distribution, and ambient severity in wastewater from five textile dyeing wastewater treatment plants. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2020, 193:110257-110257. (IF2018 =4.527

  129. Jinjia Huang#, Jialin Liang#, Xian Yang, Jiali Zhou, Xiaojian Liao, Shoupeng Li, Li Zheng*, Shuiyu Sun*. Ultrasonic coupled bioleaching pretreatment for enhancing sewage sludge dewatering: Simultaneously mitigating antibiotic resistant genes and changing microbial communities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2020, 193:110349-110349. (IF2018 =4.527

  130. Yi-Jie Chen#, Yanhao Zhang#, Yanyan Chen, Yan Lu, Ruijin Li, Chuan Dong, Zenghua Qi, Guoguang Liu, Zhi-Feng Chen*, Zongwei Cai*. GC-MS/MS analysis for source identification of emerging POPs in PM2.5. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2020, 193:110368-110368. (IF2018 =4.527

  131. Zenghua Qi, Yanhao Zhang, Zhi-Feng Chen, Chun Yang, Yuanyuan Song, Xiaoliang Liao, Weiquan Li, Suk Ying Tsang, Guoguang Liu, Zongwei Cai*. Chemical identity and cardiovascular toxicity of hydrophobic organic components in PM2.5. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 2020, 201:110827-110827.(IF2018 =4.527

  132. Wanjun Wang, Yu Chen, Guiying Li, Wenquan Gu, Taicheng An*. Photocatalytic reductive defluorination of perfluorooctanoic acid in water under visible light irradiation: the role of electron donor. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2020, 6(6):1638-1648. (IF2018 =4.195)

  133. Xiaochun Zhang, Zijian Zhang, Zhenyi Zhang, Wenbin Xu, Quanbing Luo, Haowen Tao, Xing Li. Experimental investigation of compartment fires with circular opening: From the aspects of internal temperature and facade flame. Combustion and Flame 2020, 213:107-116. (IF2018 =4.120)

  134. Jian Sun*, Nan Li, Ping Yang, Yaping Zhang, Yong Yuan, Xingwen Lu, Hongguo Zhang. Simultaneous antibiotic degradation, nitrogen removal and power generation in a microalgae-bacteria powered biofuel cell designed for aquaculture wastewater treatment and energy recovery. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2020, 45(18):10871-10881. (IF2018 =4.084

  135. Chunnian Da, Ruwei Wang*, Linlin Xia, Qing Huang, Jiawei Cai, Feixuan Cai, Chongjing Gao. Sediment records of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Yangtze River Delta of Yangtze River in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin,2020,160:111714-111720.IF2018 =4.049

  136. Qinhao Lin*, Yuxiang Yang, Yuzhen Fu, Feng Jiang, Guohua Zhang, Long Peng, Xiufeng Lian, Xinhui Bi, Lei Li, Duohong Chen, Jie Ou, Mingjin Tang, Xinming Wang, Ping'an Peng, Guoying Sheng. The reductions of oxalate and its precursors in cloud droplets relative to wet particles. Atmospheric Environment 2020, 235:117632. (IF2019 =4.039

  137. Qi Zhou*, Yang Li, Hui Liu, Xujian Li. Tough nanocomposite hydrogel based on montmorillonite nanosheets/ acrylic acid/acrylamide with copper removal properties. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2020, 598 (IF2019 =3.990

  138. Yan Yang, Meiqing Lin, Jian Tang, Shengtao Ma*, Yingxin Yu. Derivatization gas chromatography negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry for the analysis of trace organic pollutants and their metabolites in human biological samples. Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 2020,  (IF2019 =3.637

  139. Chong Li, Ying Xu*, Wei Sheng, Wen-Jin Yin, Guo-Zheng Nie, Zhimin Ao. A promising blue phosphorene/C2N van der Waals type-II heterojunction as a solar photocatalyst: a first-principles study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22(2):615-623. (IF2018 =3.567

  140. Hao Luo, Guiying Li, Jiangyao Chen, Yujie Wang, Taicheng An*. Reactor characterization and primary application of a state of art dual-reactor chamber in the investigation of atmospheric photochemical processes. Journal of environmental sciences 2020, 98:161-168. IF2018 =3.556

  141. Qi Zhou*, Yang Li, Heng Yang, Yun Gao. A collaborative strategy for enhanced reduction of Cr(VI) by Fe(0) in the presence of oxalate under sunlight: Performance and mechanism. Journal of environmental sciences (China) 2020, 90:385-394. (IF2018 =3.556

  142. Danping Li, Xun-An Ning*, Yiqian Yuan, Yanxiang Hong, Jianpei Zhang. Ion-exchange polymers modified bacterial cellulose electrodes for the selective removal of nitrite ions from tail water of dyeing wastewater. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China) 2020, 91:62-72. (IF2018 =3.556

  143. Hualing Cai, Jieying Liang, Xun-An Ning*, Xiaojun Lai, Yang Li. Algal toxicity induced by effluents from textile-dyeing wastewater treatment plants. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China) 2020, 91:199-208.  (IF2018 =3.556

  144. Yao Tan, Ying Xu, Zhimin Ao. Nitrogen fixation on a single Mo atom embedded stanene monolayer: a computational study. Physical chemistry chemical physics 2020,  (IF2018 =3.430

  145. Wenbin Xu, Liang Liang, Quanbing Luo*, Zili He, Minghua Liang, Hao Shen*, Dong Liang. Comparison of six ester components in nitrocellulose lacquer thinner from the aspects of dissolution rates, explosion characteristics and environmental influence. Progress in Organic Coatings 2020, 139:105426. (IF2018 =3.420

  146. Michael J. Watts*, Taicheng An, Ariadne Argyraki, Emmanuel Arhin, Anthea Brown, Mark Button, Jane A. Entwistle, Robert Finkelman, Gillian Gibson, Olivier S. Humphrey, Xia Huo, Andrew S. Hursthouse, A. Paula Marinho-Reis, Kakoma Maseka, Daniel R. S. Middleton, Ofelia Morton-Bermea, Ahad Nazarpour, Akinade Shadrach Olatunji, Odipo Osano, Sanja Potgieter-Vermaak, Sherestha Saini, Alex Stewart, Moataz Tarek, Keith Torrance, Ming Hung Wong, Kosei E. Yamaguchi, Chaosheng Zhang, Munir Zia. The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): building for the future. Environmental geochemistry and health 2020, 42:343–347. (IF2018 =3.252

  147. Didi Li, Xi Jiang*. Numerical investigation of convective mixing in impure CO2 geological storage into deep saline aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2020, 96:103015. (IF2018 =3.231

  148. Wei-Na Zhao*, Na Yun, Zhen-Hua Dai, Ye-Fei Li*. A high-performance trace level acetone sensor using an indispensable V4C3Tx MXene. Rsc Advances 2020, 10(3):1261-1270. (IF2018 =3.049

  149. Peng Chen, Yi Zhong, Kuncai Chen, Chongshan Guo, Jian Gong, Dedong Wang*, Yan Yang, Shengtao Ma*, Yingxin Yu. The impact of discharge reduction activities on the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in surface water from the Pearl River. Environmental science and pollution research international 2020,  IF2018 =2.914

  150. Jiani Yang, Xingwen Lu, Yuxin Liu, Fei Wang, Yuanqing Chao. Transformation of hazardous lead into aluminosilicate ceramics: structure evolution and lead leaching. Environmental science and pollution research international 2020,  IF2018 =2.914

  151. Yonghong Li, Caihui Cha, XueJing Lv, Jian Liu, Jiaying He, Qihua Pang*, Lingxue Meng, Hongxuan Kuang, Ruifang Fan*. Association between 10 urinary heavy metal exposure and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for children. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020,   (IF2018 =2.914

  152. Yonghong Li,Caihui Cha, XueJing Lv,Jian Liu, Jiaying He,Qihua Pang,Lingxue Meng,Hongxuan Kuang,Ruifang Fan.Association between 10 urinary heavy metal exposure and attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder for children.Environmental science and pollution research. 2020, 27:31233 – 31242. IF2018 =2.914

  153. Shuhong Ruan, Wenqian Huang, Mengjiu Zhao, Haiyan Song,Zhihong Gao. A Z-scheme mechanism of the novel ZnO/CuO n-n heterojunction for photocatalytic degradation of Acid Orange 7. Materials Science In Semiconductor Processing 2020, 107: 104835. (IF2018 =2.722

  154. Wenli Xu, Biao Jin*, Shaofeng Zhou, Yanyan Su, Yifeng Zhang*. Triclosan Removal in Microbial Fuel Cell: The Contribution of Adsorption and Bioelectricity Generation. Energies 2020, 13(3):761. (IF2018 =2.707

  155. Jingyong Liu*, Junhui Zhang, Guang Sun, Musa Buyukada, Fatih Evrendilek, Xiaoe Dang. Thermodynamic Equilibrium Simulations of Thallium Distributions in Interactions with Chlorine, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Minerals During Sludge Co-combustion. Waste and Biomass Valorization 2020, 11(4):1251-1259. (IF2018 =2.358

  156. Kunsen Lin, Jia-Hong Kuo*, Chiou-Liang Lin, Zhen-Shu Liu,Jingyong Liu. Sequential extraction for heavy metal distribution of bottom ash from fluidized bed co-combusted phosphorus-rich sludge under the agglomeration/defluidization process. Waste Management & Research 2020,   (IF2018 =2.015

  157. Quanbing Luo. Discretized pressure Poisson algorithm for steady incompressible flow on two-dimensional triangular unstructured grids. European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids 2020, 80:187-194. (IF2018 =1.811

  158. Chunnian Da, Ruwei Wang, Qing Huang, Jinyu Mao, Lijin Xie, Chao Xue, Long Zhang. Sediment Records of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) from the Anhui Province Section of Yangtze River, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology,2020.IF2018 =1.657


  160. Yuanmao Chen, Xi Ke, Yifeng Cheng, Mouping Fan, Wenli Wu, Xinyue Huang, Yaohua Liang, Yicheng Zhong, Zhimin Ao, Yanqing Lai, Guoxiu Wang*, Zhicong Shi*. Boosting the electrochemical performance of 3D composite lithium metal anodes through synergistic structure and interface engineering. Energy Storage Materials 2020, 26:56-64.

  161. Yi Xie, Yifan Zhuo, Shengwei Liu, Yunan Lin, Daren Zuo, Xi Wu, Chuanhao Li and Po Keung Wong. Ternary g-C3N4/ZnNCN@ZIF-8 Hybrid Photocatalysts with Robust Interfacial Interactions and Enhanced CO2 Reduction Performance. Solar Rrl 2020,

  162. Meilin Ning, Junjie Hu, Lirong Lu, Yiwei Cai, Guiying Li, Taicheng An*. Toxicity mechanism of tetrabromobisphenol A to human respiratory system cells 16HBE and Beas2B. Chinese Science Bulletin 2020, 65(10):931-939.


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