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2018-09-03 09:42     (阅读)

我校环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队题目为《OH-initiated oxidation of acetylacetone: Implications for ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation的学术论文Environmental Science & Technology(ES&T)杂志上接受发表。ES&T杂志是环境科学与工程学科的一区杂志,在环境科学与技术领域中具有非常重要的影响。该论文是以我们广东工业大学为第一单位发表在ES&T杂志上的第一篇学术论文。第一作者为我校姬越蒙教授和南京信息工程大学郑军教授,通讯作者为安太成教授与美国德州农工大学张人一教授。

二次有机气溶胶(SOA)是大气细颗粒物的重要组成部分,对区域环境质量、气候变化和人体健康造成重大影响,因此探索SOA的来源对认识和控制区域空气质量具有非常重要的意义。在我国城市大气中,VOCs的种类繁多且含量较高,但是对于这些VOCsSOA的形成过程中的贡献和作用机制的认识还缺乏较为系统的研究数据。因此,研究者选取了一类重要的工业源排放VOCs,乙酰丙酮(AcAc, acetylacetone),采用量子化学计算手段对其大气光氧化反应机理及其动力学进行了详细的研究,并探索了其对SOA的形成贡献。结果表明:AcAc的大气光氧化反应主要以OH加成反应为主,主要产物为小分子α-二羰基化合物和有机酸,而这两种物质均是形成SOA的重要前体物,同时也发现在光化学过程中伴随有O3的形成,从而会进一步使得大气的氧化性增强。光化学的动力学数据表明AcAc的大气寿命一般只有几个小时,在污染比较严重的地区则是可以达到分秒级,这也说明了AcAc的大气光氧化反应的确对SOA的形成具有重要贡献。此外,进一步的观测实验结果表明AcAc在中国典型城市群如北京和南京等地区均具有较高浓度(pptppb),这为我们研究和探讨这类物质提供了很好的研究依据。所有这些实验和理论计算的研究结果为AcAc纳入大气估算模型提供了关键的动力学和机理研究数据。



Abstract: Acetylacetone (AcAc) is a common atmospheric oxygenated volatile organic compound (OVOC) due to broad industrial applications, but its atmospheric oxidation mechanism is not fully understood. Here we investigate the mechanism, kinetics, and atmospheric fate of the OH-initiated oxidation for the enolic and ketonic isomers of AcAc using quantum chemical and kinetic rate calculations. Because of the conjugated p-electron effect, OH addition to enol-AcAc is more favorable than addition to keto-AcAc, with the total rate constant of 1.69 × 10-13 exp(1935/T) cm3 molecule-1 s-1 over the temperature range of 200-310 K. For the reaction of the enol-AcAc with OH, the activation energies of H-abstraction are at least 2 kcal mol-1 higher than those of OH-addition, and the rate constants for OH-addition are by 2‒3 orders of magnitude higher than those for H-abstraction. We demonstrate that oxidation of AcAc yields significant formation of acetic acid and methylglyoxal, which is larger than is currently recognized. Using the predicted temperature-dependence kinetic data, a lifetime of less than a few hours for AcAc is estimated throughout the tropospheric conditions. In addition, we present field measurements of the concentration of AcAc in Nanjing, China, reaching as high as a few parts per billion (ppb). Our results reveal that the OH-initiated oxidation of AcAc contributes importantly to ozone and SOA formation under polluted environments and provide the key kinetic and mechanistic data for its inclusion in atmospheric models.

ES&T杂志主页请参见:https://pubs.acs.org/journal/esthag/,    IF2016=6.653




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